Orrville Area Safety Council offers convenient and affordable access to occupational safety education, resources and networking.
Ohio employers, small and large, know Ohio Safety Councils offer convenient and affordable access to occupational safety education, resources and networking.
Learn among your business and community peers. Enroll in the Orrville Area Safety Council today.
All employers are invited to participate in the Orrville Area Safety Council meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Meetings are held at The University of Akron, Wayne College, Student Life Building, 1901 Smucker Road, Orrville, OH. Lunch at 11:30am. Meeting and program, noon – 1pm.
Cost to attend monthly meetings is $20 and includes lunch.
Register for upcoming monthly meetings below.
March 12
Flooding Response
Steve Penrod
All Rights Reserved | Orrville Area Chamber of Commerce
All Rights Reserved | Orrville Area Chamber of Commerce